Reduce Facebook Comment Spam and Increase Engagement on Your Ads

As a Facebook advertiser, you know how important it is to encourage engagement on your ads. But with the rise of comment spam, bots, and online trolls it's becoming increasingly difficult to have meaningful conversations with your audience. In this article, we'll explore the best ways to reduce Facebook comment spam and increase engagement on your ads.

Comment Bounce Logo

What is Facebook Comment Spam?

Facebook comment spam refers to the unwanted comments on your ads that are often promotional, offensive, or irrelevant. These comments can be posted by bots or humans and can quickly derail the conversation on your ad. Comment spam can lead to a decrease in engagement, a loss of credibility, and even a decrease in ad performance. Just think, if you're scrolling through an ad and see a bunch of spammy comments, are you more or less likely to engage with the ad?

Why is Facebook Comment Spam a Problem?

Facebook comment spam is a problem for several reasons:

  • It's annoying: Comment spam is frustrating for both you and your audience. It's like having a conversation with someone who only wants to talk about themselves.
  • It's harmful: Comment spam can be offensive, promotional, or even malicious. It can harm your brand's reputation and make your audience feel uncomfortable.
  • It's a waste of time: Comment spam takes up valuable time and resources. You have to moderate comments, respond to spam, and delete unwanted comments.

How to Reduce Facebook Comment Spam

Reducing Facebook comment spam requires a combination of technology, strategy, and community engagement. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Use Facebook's built-in moderation tools

Facebook offers a range of moderation tools that can help you reduce comment spam. You can use keywords to automatically hide or delete comments that contain certain words or phrases. You can also use Facebook's automated moderation tool to automatically delete comments that are reported by users.

  1. Use third-party moderation tools (i.e. Comment Bounce)

There are many third-party tools available that can help you reduce comment spam. These tools use AI and machine learning to automatically detect and delete spam comments. The best possible option when considering both cost and effectiveness is our platform Comment Bounce.

  1. Encourage community engagement

One of the best ways to reduce comment spam is to encourage community engagement. Respond to comments, ask questions, and start conversations. This will help to build a community of engaged users who will report spam and help to moderate your comments.

  1. Use clear and concise language

Clear and concise language can help to reduce comment spam. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Instead, use simple language that is easy to understand.

  1. Report spam comments

If you see a spam comment, report it! Facebook has a reporting system that allows you to report comments that violate their community standards. Reporting spam comments will help to reduce the number of spam comments on your ads.

How to Increase Engagement on Facebook Ads

Increasing engagement on Facebook ads requires a combination of creativity, strategy, and community engagement. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Eye Catching Visual

  1. Use eye-catching visuals

Eye-catching visuals can help to grab the attention of your audience and increase engagement. Use high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your ad.

  1. Ask questions

Asking questions is a great way to increase engagement on Facebook ads. Ask your audience what they think, what they want to see more of, or what they're interested in.

  1. Use Facebook Live

Facebook Live is a great way to increase engagement on Facebook ads. Use Facebook Live to host Q&A sessions, product demos, or behind-the-scenes tours.

  1. Use Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are a great way to increase engagement on Facebook ads. Use Facebook Groups to build a community of engaged users who will share your content and provide feedback.

  1. Respond to comments

Responding to comments is a great way to increase engagement on Facebook ads. Respond to comments, ask questions, and start conversations. This will help to build a community of engaged users who will report spam and help to moderate your comments.


Reducing Facebook comment spam and increasing engagement on your ads requires a combination of technology, strategy, and community engagement. By using Facebook's Comment Bounce, built-in moderation tools, and community engagement strategies, you can reduce comment spam and increase engagement on your ads. Remember to always respond to comments, ask questions, and use eye-catching visuals to increase engagement. With the right strategies and tools, you can build a community of engaged users who will help to moderate your comments and increase engagement on your ads.